Hi, I’m trying to make requests to the GraphQL JSON API through cURL, because I’ve got an interesting data visualisation project in the works, but I’m struggling to use it appropriately, and was wondering if anyone in the community had any experience with using the GraphQL API?
Try something like this:
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
-H “authorization: Bearer xxx”
–data ‘{ “query”: “{glossaryItems{edges{node{id}}}}” }’
With xxx being your token number.
Hope that helps
Thanks for the update @Michael.
@easley if you are looking for information about the token that Michael mentioned, I’ve linked to our API training material in another post here: Data Visualisation Tool Access to Aristotle
Thanks @Michael and @sam, really appreciate the help. I think I’ll be able to make a proper start now.
No worries, have fun!