Custom Fields possible name change

Hi Aristotle,

Is the name Custom Fields globally fixed, or can it be changed to something more relevant to our users within our own registry? Example: change to Additional Information



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This is something we are asked about occasionally, and he have kept the “Custom Fields” header consistent across Aristotle Metadata Registries to help users understand the alignment between systems.
Because the Aristotle Metadata Registry is based on the ISO/IEC 11179 standard, and is used across multiple government agencies, clearly calling out custom fields helps users map fields between registries to understand data across departments.

However, we have recently added metadata item templates that allow users to define metadata types and customise layouts that may help with what you are talking about: Custom Item Templates | Aristotle Metadata Registry help documentation

Happy to hear your feedback on this.

Custom templates looks like it may just be the very thing, thanks Sam! We’ll look at workshopping a custom item template and see how this will look for us. Cheers.