Classifications, Reference Data, Controlled Vocabularies… however you refer to them Aristotle supports them all!
The latest release of the Aristotle Metadata Registry includes a huge new feature from the Aristotle Feature Roadmap that allows you to create, manage and govern statistical classifications alongside the rest of your metadata. To help familiarise you with this great new tool, we’ve released a feature spotlight video that covers all of these features:
Our team has been hard at work implementing an interactive classifications management system which is now available on all Aristotle Metadata Registries. Aristotle Classifications include all of the standard Aristotle features, such as rich text definitions, issues tracking and metadata governance workflows.
The Aristotle Classifications system also includes a specialised viewer for viewing and searching through multi-level classifications. Backed by the Elasticsearch enterprise search engine, users are able to quickly search for and view items no matter how complex the classification is.
The Aristotle Classifications management tool is backed by a standards-compliant information model that aligns with the GSIM Statistical Classifications Model published by the UN Statistical Division and the Neuchatel Terminology for Classifications. This means that all Classifications built in Aristotle are standards-compliant, free from vendor lock in and can be readily accessed in compatible systems.
And to top it all off, all Aristotle Classifications can be uploaded and downloaded through our API - so all your classifications can be integrated with other data platforms within your organisation.
To help users familiarise themselves with this powerful new tool we’ve uploaded two public classifications: “Australian & New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations” and the “International Standard Classification of Occupations”
The Aristotle team has been hard at work getting this ready for our users - so let us know your thoughts below!