On June 30th, come along and learn from Aristotle Metadata experts about how metadata can make your data more efficient and valuable, and look at how you can start your metadata journey using the tools you already have today!
Then on July 14th, preview upcoming changes to the Aristotle Metadata Registry that make import, export and quality control of your metadata faster and more efficient.
On June 30th come along to "Beginner’s guide to better data strategy using metadata"
Knowing how your organisation defines key business terms like “client”, “supplier” or “participant” is a key part of any good data strategy. The process of defining your data is metadata management and is vital to making sure you are getting value from your data assets. But it can be challenging to know how to start on your metadata journey.In this webinar Aristotle Metadata CEO Sam Spencer will take you through an easy introduction to metadata using real-life use cases to help you understand how metadata brings value to your organisation.In this talk you’ll learn:
- How metadata makes finding your data easier
- How metadata improves the interpretation of your data
- How to document your data using data asset registers and data dictionaries.
- How to document metadata using common desktop tools
Register for the Beginners guide to metadata webinar on June 30
July 14th: Feedback session: Importing and reviewing metadata in the Aristotle Metadata Registry
We have been hard at work adding new features and tools to help users manage their metadata more effectively. As part of our regular roadmap activities we’ve released a range of new features we excited to show off, including:
- New interactive tours built into the Registry to help new users navigate features and find help
- Using Aristotle Issues and Reviews to quality check content in your registry
- A new bulk importer that can create and update metadata
- A bulk Excel exporter that makes editing metadata in Excel a breeze!
- Using the Reporting tool to examine activity in your Aristotle Metadata Registry
We will also be giving a preview of a new beta Metadata Review tool we’ve developed that will make it easier for metadata analysts to perform quality checks for large metadata collections including the ability to track changes and issues, make recommendations and review automated quality checks - all from a single, straight-forward tool built directly in Aristotle!
Register for the Aristotle reviews feedback webinar on July 14