The Metadata Merger Tool is a new feature added to the Aristotle Registry to help with metadata harmonisation. This tool is useful for merging metadata at the “Audit and Harmonisation” phase of MAST methodology. Admin permissions are needed to use the metadata merger rule.
Sources required to carry out metadata merging:
Source Metadata: The metadata that will be merged with the target metadata. All the links associated with the source metadata will be linked to the target metadata after the merge.
Target Metadata: This is the metadata into which other metadata gets merged. The merger tool will remove all the linkages from the source metadata and create the same with the target metadata, in addition to the linkages it already has.
Merger tool functionality
Merging Metadata: Using the source and target metadata items, the same type of metadata, such as object class, data element, data element concept, and so on, can be merged. It will remove all the metadata linkages from the source metadata and add all those to the target metadata. The change will be reflected at all levels of the registry.
Undo feature: This merger tool has an awesome feature to undo the merge at any time. Once the rule is created and executed, you can undo that change by clicking the undo button.
Rules creation: You can use the merger tool to create rules that can be saved and used later.
In the example below, before merging, there are three object classes, ‘Person’ with ids 273 and 24 and ‘Citizen’ with id 547.
After merging, the ‘Person’ with id 24 and ‘Citizen’ with id 547 is merged to ‘Person’ with id 273’, all the metadata is now linked with the ‘Person’ with id 273.
For more information on the Metadata Merger tool, please see the attached pdf.
Merger tool.pdf (1.4 MB)