Extracting Aristotle User lists and Permissions

Good morning,

I have been asked to generate a list of all of my organization’s users with their permissions. Is there a clever way for me to get this list of users? I don’t really want to generate this list manually. I want to get the following user information for users within my organization.

  • Full name
  • Email Address
  • User roles
  • Group
  • Type
  • Role

Hi @Adrian this level of user reporting isn’t available through Aristotle. You can view the user and their organisation permissions from the Stewardship Organisation members section, but this won’t include their workgroup roles.

Aristotle staff can assist with developing a custom report, which would need to be submitted via a support request without your account manager.

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Thank you @sam . I have enough permissions that I can view the profiles and user roles of my organization’s members. We currently have 58 members and until I can generate a regular report I have to go into each profile to get the user information I have been asked to collate. I was hoping for an automagic process, but sadly this isn’t currently available.