Sorting and counting

Hi there, a couple of ideas from our team here on potential quality of life improvements. One is about whether it is possible to introduce a sorting functionality for components of a metadata item, such as permissible values in value domains or data elements in distributions / data set specifications. This could make it much easier to apply a specific order to these components if they weren’t entered as such in the first place.

The other idea was about displaying a count of how many data elements are in a specific distribution, and giving each data element an order number. This will take away the need to manually count the data elements, and also make conversations easier for large distributions when we need to refer to a specific data element.


Hi @skew,

Thanks for the feedback - its always good to hear how we can improve the Aristotle Metadata Registry to make managing metadata easier.

Reordering items while editing

We are currently doing a major rewrite of the editors at the moment. This new editor will have like-for-like functionality to the current editor but is designed to be more responsive and easier to add enhancements. However it will include some changes to Value Domains and Distributions to make editing components easier. Progress on that is on schedule, and once we’ve got that rolled out (by about late-August) we can look at more enhancements - like the ability to bulk reorder components.

Reordering items while editing

Adding numbers alongside the components is probably a simpler change to make. But it would be good to get some idea of what and where you are thinking the order and counts would sit.

Did you have a screenshot/mockup you could share to give us an idea of what you are thinking. This would also give other users an opporunity to provide feedback on how we could implement this.

Sounds great!

With adding numbers alongside data elements, i just had something simple in mind like this:


When you get a distribution with over 30 (or 100+…) data elements, having that point of reference would make it a bit easier to locate a particular data element on your screen.